Success story

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Panvel doubles conversions with Retail Media

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increase in sales


increase in ROAS


increase in impressions

Success story

Discover how Panvel was able to achieve impressive results when using
Newtail's Retail Media solutions in a campaign with a
great pharma advertiser!


The Panvel

Panvel is the largest pharmacy chain in the Southern region of Brazil, with more than 600 stores distributed in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo. It has a strong online presence, with more than 15 thousand items for sale, including domestic and imported medicines, hygiene and beauty products. As a multichannel retailer, Panvel is investing in its proprietary Panvel Ads platform in partnership with Newtail.


Gain scale when selling ads in the online store

Panvel had a major challenge to scale up the sale of onsite media, that is, to sell advertising space within its online store. The company already offered the banner/display format, but it was a poorly scalable process - from the operation to the measurement of the results. In addition, the network lacked technology to segment campaigns in a simple way, which reduced communication efficiency.


Assertive segmentation with Newtail's Retail Media platform

One of the great benefits between Panvel's partnership and Newtail was the gain in scale, which occurred both in the operation and in the number of advertisers, since they are now able to run their campaigns simultaneously and in a segmented way.

Before, media was sold through placement (choosing the position of advertisements on the online page), now the sale is done through segmentation, which allows campaigns to be much more assertive, covering different stages of the consumer journey. In addition, it is possible to have advertisers running in the same space, contested by auction and segmentation.

To test the actual work, a campaign was developed together with Brazil's leading painkiller manufacturer, highlighting the brand's attributes using our proprietary display solution. This meant that drug-related consumers were impacted at the time of purchase.

In addition, the brand gained relevance and share of search with Newtail's Sponsored Products solution, applied at various moments in the shopper's journey.


Impactful increase in sales, impressions, and clicks

The partnership between Panvel and Newtail allowed the major painkiller advertiser to obtain impressive results in the campaigns:

These results refer to campaigns carried out in April compared to the first quarter of 2024.

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